# Change Log - AMADEO FREE All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. ## [1.0] - 2016-05-10 ### First version was released ## [1.0.1] - 2016-05-30 ### Added: - "Show megamenu" option in Theme Settings - "Show post's author" option in Theme Settings - "Show post's categories" option in Theme Settings - "Show post's tags" option in Theme Settings Fix: - CSS issue with Youtube Video ## [1.0.16] - 2016-06-09 ### Added: - "Show post's author" option in Theme Settings - "Show post's categories" option in Theme Settings - "Show post's tags" option in Theme Settings Fix: - CSS changes fulfilling the requirements of wordpress.org ## [1.0.17] - 2016-06-10 ### Added: - tagline ## [1.0.18] - 2016-06-14 ### Added: - Some CSS for content Fix: - Deprecated (in PHP 5.3) functions was replaced ## [1.0.19] - 2016-06-21 ### Fix: - Most theme's settings moved to customization ## [1.0.20] - 2016-07-04 ### Added: - RTL Languages support Fix: - Font size setting - Some CSS ## [1.0.21] - 2016-07-22 ### Added: - woocommerce integration Fix: - some HTML code ## [1.0.22] - 2016-07-26 ### Fix: - slider category is no longer show in single post - setting position for social media in backend - enqueuing script from right place for child theme ## [1.0.23] - 2016-08-05 ### Added: - customize: - centered Logo/Sitename and Menu option - fonts Fix: - customize: - live-preview: menu, when installed polylang plugin ## [1.0.24] - 2016-08-26 ### Added: - customize: - Show/Hide search form on top - new post type for slider ## [1.0.25] - 2016-10-20 ### Added: - few minified or unminified javascripts and styles files - escaping functions (securing output) - .pot file (to translate) - aria attributes Updated: - Bootstrap to version 3.3.7 - jQuery to version 3.1.1 Changed: - all scripts and styles are now enqueued from functions.php - removed link tag with favicon from head tag - names of most custom functions ## [1.0.26] - 2016-11-16 ### Fix: - Registered scripts names Changed: - contact form module - Image with link widget - change positions of images by drag and drop - edit few more fields ## [1.0.28] - 2017-01-16 ### Fix: - formatted text styles (content of post/page) Added: - posibility to edit footer text (theme options) Changed: - if slider's link is empty (backend) then link is not appear on slider (front end) ## [1.0.29] - 2017-01-17 ### Added: - subsets for google fonts ## [1.0.30] - 2017-03-13 ### Added: - Amadeo Forms creator # Change Log - AMADEO PRO All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. ## [2.0] - 2016-05-10 ### First version was released ## [2.0.1] - 2016-05-30 ### Added: - "Show megamenu" option in Theme Settings - "Show post's author" option in Theme Settings - "Show post's categories" option in Theme Settings - "Show post's tags" option in Theme Settings Fix: - CSS issue with Youtube Video ## [2.0.16] - 2016-06-09 ### Added: - "Show post's author" option in Theme Settings - "Show post's categories" option in Theme Settings - "Show post's tags" option in Theme Settings Fix: - CSS changes fulfilling the requirements of wordpress.org ## [2.0.18] - 2016-06-14 ### Added: - Some CSS for content Fix: - Deprecated (in PHP 5.3) functions was replaced - Switching contrast ## [2.0.19] - 2016-06-21 ### Fix: - Most theme's settings moved to customization ## [2.0.20] - 2016-07-04 ### Added: - RTL Languages support - Post's attachments Fix: - Font size setting - Some CSS ## [2.0.21] - 2016-07-22 ### Added: - woocommerce integration Fix: - some HTML code ## [2.0.22] - 2016-07-26 ### Fix: - enqueuing script from right place for child theme ## [2.0.23] - 2016-08-05 ### Added: - customize: - centered Logo/Sitename and Menu option - fonts Fix: - customize: - live-preview: menu, when installed polylang plugin ## [2.0.24] - 2016-08-26 ### Added: - customize: - Show/Hide search form on top - new post type for slider ## [2.0.26] - 2016-11-16 ### Added: - few minified or unminified javascripts and styles files - escaping functions (securing output) - .pot file (to translate) - aria attributes Updated: - Bootstrap to version 3.3.7 - jQuery to version 3.1.1 Changed: - all scripts and styles are now enqueued from functions.php - removed link tag with favicon from head tag - names of most custom functions - contact form module - image with link widget - change positions of images by drag and drop - edit few more fields ## [2.0.27] - 2017-01-12 ### Added: - posibility to edit footer text (theme options) - PL translation Changed: - if slider's link is empty (backend) then link is not appear on slider (front end) ## [2.0.28] - 2017-01-16 ### Fix: - formatted text styles (content of post/page) ## [2.0.29] - 2017-01-17 ### Added: - subsets for google fonts ## [2.0.30] - 2017-03-13 ### Added: - Amadeo Forms creator ## [2.0.31] - 2017-04-13 ### Added: - Child theme - Norwegian translation by Tore Johnny